Client: United Dance Organisation
Project: UDO World Championships 2018 campaign

The United Dance Organisation is the world's largest international street dance organisation, and fastest growing street, hip-hop and commercial dance brand globally. I was tasked with rebranding and designing all marketing and event materials for their 2018 World Championships campaign. As a result of the rebrand and marketing campaign the event saw a record 10,000 + attendees from over 35 different countries; audience engagement more than doubled from 500,000 in 2017 to 1.3 million in 2018; and their official merchandise achieved record sales over the course of the weekend.
UDO World Championships 2018 Highlights
Outdoor Advertisement Banners
Indoor Floor Stickers
Main Stage Backdrop
Second Stage Backdrop
Advertisement Showreel
Event Programmes
1st, 2nd Place Certificates
1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Medals
Press Wall Backdrop
Social Media: Event Promotion Graphics
Social Media: Event Countdown Graphics
Social Media: Judges Announcement Graphics
Social Media: Special Guest Workshop Graphics
 Official App Promotion Graphic
World Championships 2018 Official Merchandise
UDO World Championships 2019 Promotion Video

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